Toya S. - Class of 2019

Student Learning Outcomes

Toya S. - Class of 2019

Before Visiting the Writing Center, Students Will Know:

  1. That one-on-one help is available for writing
  2. How to schedule an appointment

When Visiting the Writing Center, Students Will Demonstrate:

  1. Preparedness by planning for their tutorial session and arriving with relevant materials
  2. Self-reliance by identifying which phase of the writing process they are in, which writing skills they wish to work on, and which portions of their writing they wish to focus on during the tutorial session
  3. Problem solving/creative-thinking ability by identifying the main points of discussion raised during the tutorial session to plan the next steps in the writing process

After Visiting the Writing Center, Students Will Have Increased Their:

  1. Understanding of writing as a process that usually requires multiple drafts
  2. Rhetorical knowledge of how to write for different audiences, situations, and purposes
  3. Ability to address local- and global-level issues involved in writing
  4. Confidence in completing a range of writing tasks