Elizabeth V. - Class of 2023

More Help for Staff and Faculty

Elizabeth V. - Class of 2023

IT Help Desk Hours of Coverage:

Monday through Friday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Saturdays: On Call Emergency Support

Contact Information:

Administration and Academic Contacts

Call toll free: (866) NU-ACCESS, and request the extension or department:

  • Main Numbers for NU Schools:
    • College of Letters and Sciences – ext. 8450
    • Sanford College of Education – ext. 8320
    • School of Business Management – ext. 8400
    • School of Engineering and Computing – ext. 3413
    • School of Health and Human Services – ext. 3473
    • School of Professional Studies — ext. 8480
  • Grades and Records Information – ext. 8261
  • Registrar – ext. 8260
  • Academics dept. – ext. 8135 or ext. 8594
  • Payroll – ext. 8540
  • Human Resources – ext. 8195