2007-04-10 National University and California Community Colleges Renew Transfer Agreement

Joint agreement makes it easier for students at community colleges to transfer to the state’s second-largest, private, nonprofit institution of higher education.

La Jolla and Sacramento, Calif. – National University and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office today announced the renewal of their joint agreement which makes it easier for students at community colleges to transfer to the state’s second-largest, private, nonprofit institution of higher education.

The purpose of the agreement – which was originally signed in 2005 – is to encourage students at any of California’s 109 community colleges who have completed their lower-division transfer requirements or a CCC associate’s degree to pursue a bachelor’s degree at National University.

Students can transfer units earned toward an associate’s degree or lower division general education credits to National University and receive credit toward a bachelor’s degree. While the state’s public universities have this agreement in place, National University is one of a few private universities in California engaged in a similar transfer agreement.

To make entry more affordable, National University will waive the standard $60 application fee for transfer students. Additionally, to encourage students who have transferred from a California community college to complete their bachelor’s degree, National University will provide scholarships to every transfer student which will pay for the student’s final two classes in his or her degree program, an amount worth $2,268 under the current tuition schedule. Finally, under the agreement, National University will offer an array of scholarships, including the California Community College Scholarship, through which each college is able to award $1,600 to an outstanding transfer student.

The main beneficiaries will be the 2.5 million students currently in California’s community college system. The agreement simplifies the process for a student to transfer to National University. It also provides access to and information about the university to community college students, and to counseling and teaching faculty not familiar with National University’s innovative and relevant programs.

Transfer students will be guaranteed admission to National University if they achieve a requisite grade point average (GPA). Units that are completed as part of a transfer plan (the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum or the California State University’s General Education Breadth pattern) or associate’s degree program for which students received a passing grade will be accepted. National University will offer pre-transfer advising to students interested in transferring and will provide all community colleges with information about preparation requirements for each of National University’s degree programs.

Through the agreement, National University and the community colleges are taking steps to make higher education more accessible to California’s diverse student populations. Students in rural areas who are interested in transferring to National University will be able to take their upper division courses online if a National University campus is geographically inaccessible. 

For more information regarding the transfer agreement, please contact David Neville, Director of Information and Community Relations for the National University System, at (858) 642-8163. For more information about the California Community Colleges System, contact Ron Owens, Public Information Officer, at (916) 327-5356.

About National University
National University is the second-largest private, nonprofit institution of higher education in California. Using its core values of quality, access, relevance, accelerated pace, affordability and community, National University continues to focus on making lifelong learning opportunities accessible, challenging and relevant to a diverse population of nontraditional students. Founded in 1971, National University is comprised of five schools – Business and Management; Education; Engineering and Technology; Health and Human Services; and Media and Communications – and the College of Letters and Sciences. National University is headquartered in La Jolla, California. More information about National University can be found at www.nu.edu.

About the California Community College System
The California Community College System provided educational, vocational and transfer programs to more than 2.5 million students during academic year 2005-2006. Constituting the largest system of higher education in the world, the California Community College System is currently comprised of 72 districts, 109 campuses, 64 approved educational centers, and 20 separately reported district offices. More information about the System can be found at www.cccco.edu.

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