Credential &
Certificate FAQs
You have questions, we have answers
If you can’t find the information you need within our website or this list of common questions, please e-mail a credential advisor.
Common Questions
Q: How do I need to fulfill the US Constitution requirement?
A: Many credential programs require candidates to meet a US Constitution requirement. There are different options for fulfilling this requirement. Candidates may do this by verifying completion of one of the following:
- The candidate successfully completed a college or university level course that covered the principles and provisions of the US Constitution with a grade of “C” or better. (Examples include U.S. History 1600-1887 or American Government.)
- The candidates passed an approve US Constitution examination offered by some County Office of Educations, college, or university.
- The candidate successfully completes National University’s Training and Development US Constitution course and exam.
Candidates should speak with a Credential Advisor for assistance in verifying completion of this requirement or for assistance.
Q: How do I renew my long-term emergency permit?
A: Many of our students are currently working in a school as a full time teacher with an Emergency Long Term Substitute Permit. These permits are valid for one year and require verification that the candidate is enrolled in a credential program and that they have successfully completed at least nine-quarter units toward their teaching credential. This is verified by completion of a CL-469 by a CCTC authorized signer.
If you need to obtain a CL-469, please review the CL-469 Request Form and contact a Credential Advisor. They will be able to verify eligibility and facilitate the completion of this form for your employment.
Q: What does student teaching consist of?
A: Student teaching requirements and placement policies can be found in the Student Teaching Handbook. This handbook outlines all National University policies and procedures for supportive teaching through the program.
Q: What is subject matter competency?
A: Subject matter competency is how the University and the state verify that a candidate has met the requirements to teach a particular subject area to students. This can be verified by passing the California Subject Exams for Teachers (CSET) in the appropriate subject area in which a candidate is seeking a credential. Students who are seeking a single subject teaching credential (typically for junior high or high school) may also verify subject matter competency by completing a CCTC-approved subject matter equivalency program and providing appropriate documentation. All students are required to verify subject matter competency prior to being placed into student teaching.
Candidates seeking a teaching credential in the areas of Agriculture, Business, Health Science, Home Economics, and Industrial and Technology Education may take the Single Subject Assessment for Teachers Exam (SSAT) to verify subject matter competency.
Candidates who have passed the formerly required Praxis & SSAT examinations (including the MSAT) may have met subject matter competency. Scores are valid five years from the date taken. Please speak with a Credential Advisor for assistance if necessary.
For further information for the CSET and/or SSAT examinations, please visit www.cset.nesinc.com.
Q: How do I apply for my credential?
A: Toward the end of the credential program, usually during student teaching, field experiences, or internship courses, candidates need to apply for the teaching credential. To do this, make an appointment with a Credential Advisor. At this appointment, the Credential Advisor will assist you with completing the application, collect the required materials for the CCTC, and send it to the Processing Center at the National University Administrative Office in San Diego. Credential Technicians will review the application and, if all necessary documents have been verified, will send the application to the CCTC for document granting. At the same time, the Processing Center will send the applicant a Verification Letter of Completion that may be used to obtain employment until the credential is received from the state.
Q: Can I get paid while I take time away from my job to student teach?
A: National University offers a number of alternative certification programs, to allow candidates to participate as Interns. These intern programs encourage students to obtain employment as Intern Teachers, where they will be compensated as the “teacher of record” while they simultaneously complete coursework to improve their teaching skills.
Teacher candidates interested in this program must be approved by program faculty to participate in the internship program. They must also obtain fingerprint clearance, verify passage of the CBEST, fulfillment of subject matter competency in the appropriate area, fulfillment of the US Constitution requirement, and verify an offer of employment as an Intern. The candidate is also responsible for completing some pre-service coursework. Once all of these requirements have been met, the candidate will meet with a Credential Advisor to apply for the Intern Credential.
For the Administrative Services Intern program, candidates must also meet with faculty to approve participation in the program. Candidates must also supply a copy of a valid California credential, verification of three years of experience as a credentialed person in schools, two letters of recommendation (one from the superintendent), and verification of passing CBEST scores. Once all of these requirements have been met, the candidate will meet with a Credential Advisor to apply for the Intern Credential.