100% Doctoral Faculty

Earn your advanced degree, from individuals who hold only the highest

As part of our commitment to excellence in online higher education, National University maintains 100% doctoral faculty, most of whom have completed their program of study at a regionally accredited institution of higher education in the discipline in which they teach or develop curricula.

This is an essential component of NU’s one-to-one learning model, which relies on our faculty passing down their own knowledge and experiences to their students. About 95 percent of NU’s current students are enrolled in master’s or doctoral programs in business, education, psychology and marriage and family therapy. They have made a commitment to pursuing advanced education, and we honor that commitment by providing them with faculty who know what it takes to complete an advanced degree and who have developed the skills to apply what they’ve learned to their careers.

In our programs, faculty do not hide behind lectures, quizzes and exams. They respond to each student’s work individually within a specific time period (e.g. 4 days for standard course activities). These responses provide valuable feedback that’s specifically tailored to each student and his or her area of study, and that challenges the student to continually reflect on his or her learning. Without the credentials and experience that have made these faculty valuable contributors in their professions and communities, they would not be able to transfer that knowledge and experience to their students.

“At National University I was able to bring myself out of my shell with all the courses, all the assignments, and what attracted me to National is the dedication of our mentors, the mentors and the professors that know what they are doing. And I’m very, very happy to be part of NU.”

– Dr. Femi Akindele, PhD Education, Organizational Leadership, Alum
Faculty Development

Faculty feedback is one of the most critical parts of student learning and faculty performance at NU. National’s Center for Teaching and Learning provides support services and training for faculty members in feedback, best practices, effective communication and more. In addition, to ensure that our teaching faculty are current in their fields and skills, they engage in at least one outside professional development activity and take one Faculty Mentor Development course at NU every year.

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