Study Abroad Opportunities

MHA Study Abroad Program

LaDon Jones, PhD
MHA Study Abroad

The MHA program will be hosting another Study Abroad opportunity in Osnabruck, Germany this summer (July-August, 2024). It is open to all SOHP students. Please contact for more information!

“Study abroad was one of the best experiences of my life. I was afraid to go, because I thought there was no way I would make any friends in such a short time, but I met amazing people who I still talk to. The course offered was great, but the learning you do outside of the classroom is just as meaningful. Because there are students from all over the world, you get hands on experience at how to work with different cultures and belief systems, and how to integrate those into the work you do. I will cherish my time in Germany for the rest of my life.”

– Courtney Sheppard – NU Alumni, Master of Health Administration

MPH Study Abroad Program

Gina Piane, MPH, DrPH, CHES
MPH Study Abroad

The MPH Program has offered study abroad coursework with service learning for 8 years. The course is offered as a culminating experience that has been approved by our accrediting body, CEPH. Dr. Piane plans to take 15 – 25 students from the Department of Healthcare Leadership (MPH, BSPH, BSHA, and MHA programs) to Can Tho, Vietnam for a four-week Study Abroad program in partnership with Volunteers Around the World (VAW) June-July, 2024.

Students will participate in staffing and managing public health clinics alongside local medical providers, attend lectures and seminars with VAW, provide Public Health Education during wait times in the clinic, provide public health education tailored to local students, and attend special cultural educational experiences.

In 2019, MPH students in the program partnered with Volunteers Around the World (VAW) during a Study Abroad trip to Cuzco, Peru.

DNAP Study Abroad Program

Part of our emphasis for the Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Program at National University is the importance of engaging our residents globally. We send our seniors who have already exceeded their case requirements to graduate on these mission trips to put those skills into practice and serve diverse populations in austere environments around the world. We have had a relationship with an organization called Kenya Relief for years, however in the past two years we have begun to ramp up our efforts to find more opportunities for our residents around the globe – including full 3-month rotations in mission hospitals and austere environments outside of the continental United States.

Eric Kramer, DNAP, CRNA, FNP
DNAP Study Abroad


Anna Li, RRNA, is a senior with NU’s DNAP program. She just returned from a surgical mission trip to Migori, Kenya with Kenya Relief. The mission took place January 19-28, 2024 focused on adult and pediatric head and neck surgeries, as well as women’s health surgeries.


This partnership with the SOHP DNAP program and the Saving Lives Initiative in Sierra Leone took place October 18 – November 1, 2023. The goal of the mission is to train national nurse anesthetists in advanced techniques by providing seminars and hands on training in government hospitals.

Erin Wilson, a former NU DNAP Program nurse anesthesia resident and current CRNA is teaching a femoral block to a nurse anesthetist from Sierra Leone.

Sierra Leonese nurse anesthetist using the AirAngel VL 3D printed video laryngoscope. Erin Wilson’s doctoral capstone project involved traveling to Sierra Leon and training anesthetists at local hospitals how to use the 3d printed video laryngoscope for difficult intubations.

Erin Wilson and Kathy Rosales presenting during a conference for anesthetists in Sierra Leone, as part of their doctoral capstone requirement for the National University Doctorate of Nurse Anesthesia program.